Industrial Infrastructure Development of Indian Cottage Industry


Cottage industries in India serve as a backbone for rural economies, fostering inclusive growth, preserving cultural heritage, and supporting sustainable development. However, these industries often face challenges related to outdated technology, poor infrastructure, and limited access to markets, resulting in low productivity and subpar product quality. This study examines the role of industrial infrastructure development in promoting the growth, sustainability, and inclusivity of cottage industries in India. It focuses on identifying the infrastructure gaps and analyzing the impact of infrastructure improvements on the operational efficiency and economic viability of these industries.

Learning Outcome (LO)

  • LO #1: Understand the role of infrastructure development in enhancing the growth and sustainability of cottage industries.
  • LO #2: Explore the implications of sustainable infrastructure development, including the integration of modern technology with traditional cottage industry practices.
  • LO #3: Develop policy recommendations for improving industrial infrastructure to support the long-term viability of cottage industries in India.


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